For this painting, anyway. I have tried to intensify the darks a bit more, and to add nicer shadows to all the little parts (windows, doors, etcetera). I’m not entirely satisfied with the result, but working on it more seems to become overworking now.

I had a busy day today. My trio ÆroDynamic had a rehearsal for our concert in Germany next month. We play some gorgeous pieces by Byrd, Wilby, Fairfax, and other English renaissance composers. Nice music, and you need a lot of energy to focus when rehearsing. So after the other ladies left I went straight to my crafting area to wind down.
This painting has become quite nice, but I get lost in the details a bit. And annoyed that I’m not yet such a master of the brush that I can draw straight, thin lines when necessary. I always seem to either drop a blob of paint in the middle, or make a slight curve. I need more practice.
I’m thinking about what to paint next. Painting a postcard every day worked quite well because I could paint and let go immediately, and start fresh each day. This bigger project is also nice, but I get more ambitious about the result (something I have to be careful about – a bit of ambition is fine, but being a perfectionist it means that I would beat myself up a lot about everything that I think is wrong with it). Better to keep things light and fun, so tomorrow I will do a smaller project. I’m also thinking about doing a series. Perhaps paintings of the sea. Or of birds. Or stuff in the house like tomatoes or cups or whatever. To allow myself to try and change my approach every day.
Freya likes my crafting area too. Every time I come back there, my cup of water is almost empty! Fortunately she prefers the clear water, so I don’t mind too much.

She also thinks it’s a great place to spy on the neighbours.