Music / Muziek / Singing

Time for some music

I so enjoy my studio! I’ve been spending time there making music quite often these last few weeks. It’s so nice to be able to play the piano and sing again. I’ve also been doing some yoga. Sometimes I even combine the two! I need curtains…

It has been such a long time since my last concert. I think it was back in 2016, when ÆroDynamic and I played in the Fabulous Fringe of the Festival Oude Muziek in Utrecht.

Then I had a problem with my vocal cords that I managed to conquer, but I never got back into actively performing. I grieved the loss of that career, and am now at peace with it. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to make music anymore. If anything, moving on has given me back my enthusiasm and joy. I’m very grateful for that.

I love singing, composing, and playing the piano without pressure. And I love sharing what I do. And with Covid-19 sabotaging in-person performances, I thought that it would be nice to regularly share some music with you that is close to my heart. So I’ve made a live recording of a lovely romantic song by Henri Duparc: Chanson Triste. I hope that it brings you some joy!

Song of sadness

Moonlight slumbers in your heart,
A gentle summer moonlight,
And to escape the cares of life
I shall drown myself in your light.

I shall forget past sorrows,
My sweet, when you cradle
My sad heart and my thoughts
In the loving calm of your arms.

You will rest my poor head,
Ah! sometimes on your lap,
And recite to it a ballad
That will seem to speak of us;

And from your eyes full of sorrow,
From your eyes I shall then drink
So many kisses and so much love
That perhaps I shall be healed.

(translation by Richard Stokes)

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