In the last week of the Tour de Fleece, I started a second spinning project. I combined two braids of Schaap & Draak BFL in greys with a Nunoco merino gradient and some firestart. I used my blending board to create a set of 48 rolags. I spun a bit over a third in the final week of the Tour, and continued spinning afterwards. I finished spinning the last rolag last Thursday.

This fibre was very nice to spin. I tried to make it a bit thicker than my previous spin and succeeded this time! It’s quite fluffy and soft. I chain plied the singles on my wheel on Friday and filled up two bobbins.

On Saturday, I wound the yarn on a niddy noddy and measured it. It was 300 grams and 916 meters, a nice sport weight! I think I may make either a thicker shawl out of it, or a small shrug/cardigan for when it gets colder again. The heatwave is finally over, and it’s bearable to think about wool and warm clothes again.