I was almost out of rolags! I still had about 50 grams of dark blue rolags, but nothing substantial. So today I kind of had to make some new ones. I took a look in my fibre bins and saw that I had some nice blue fibres, in different hues. So I decided to combine them and make a monsterload of rolags this time!
As my spindle spinning is going quite fast, usually, I’m now at the point where I would dare to start a big spinning project on my spindles – spinning a couple of a hundred grams for something larger – a cardigan or a sweater perhaps?
I put all the blue fibres on the table and selected the ones that I thought would combine well. This time I was not going to put in greens, and only a tiny bit of purple. Some greyish blue would look nice in the mix too. In the end I had a big pile of fibre.

This is a mix of more than 400 grams of BFL, merino, silk, Suffolk, milk protein, yak, and Shetland… no glitter this time, just blue and a tiny bit of purple. From the side it looks a bit like a sea.

This was going to take a while to blend! If all the weights are correct, this is about 415 grams of fibre. I first divided it into four batches, which I then divided further to have rolags of about 13 grams each. In total there were going to be 32 (big) rolags.
One of the fibres was a bit felted, so that was hard work… I tried fluffing it up with my hand cards, but I’m just no good at using those. So I continued on my blending board. After a lot of blending, drafting, and rolling, I was done! Only one small problem: my suitcase is not large enough.

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